Criminal & Traffic Law

The attorneys at Alexander, Miller, Schupp & Hamilton, PLLC typically accept criminal and traffic cases on a referral basis. This includes traffic matters and misdemeanor or felony charges involving alcohol, drugs, theft and other relatively minor charges being handled in district court in Orange and Chatham counties.
We will do our best to handle your criminal matter in a way that will minimize the long-term effects on your record.
Traffic Citations
Our efforts focus on keeping your automobile insurance from increasing – for those with few or no prior offenses – or on keeping the points against your license as low as possible -for clients with multiple prior convictions. Our attorneys are experienced with negotiating plea agreements with the assistant district attorneys and with entering into deferred prosecution agreements, when available for clients, to minimize the effects on your criminal record.
Criminal Cases
If you have a criminal complaint, make sure your representation has experience with your matter. Michelle Hamilton is a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal State Law and over 15 years of experience. Her background covers everything from speeding tickets and driving while impaired charges to misdemeanor assault cases. And she has most recently focused primarily on domestic violence, sexual violence and child abuse cases, both misdemeanor and felony.
Expungement: Your prior criminal convictions may be eligible to be expunged. Generally, under North Carolina Law, a criminal conviction may only be expunged if: 1) it was a first-time nonviolent offense committed more than 15 years ago; or 2) it was a first-time offense committed under age 18 or age 22, depending on the specific circumstances. If you were charged with a crime and the case was dismissed or you were found “not guilty,” your charge may also be expunged.
For more information on Expunctions in North Carolina, here is a summary available from the North Carolina Justice Center.
“If you have a criminal complaint – or a complaint against you – it is important that you know your rights.”
Criminal Law Resources:
Check your criminal court date in any North Carolina county here.
North Carolina General Assembly – Criminal Law Statutes
Town of Chapel Hill – Police Department
Orange County – Sheriff’s Office
Chatham County – Sheriff’s Office
Traffic Incident Resources: